“Wetogether is a commitment to stand together”

“journey of fighting with disease creates stories , so let’s share sentiments, battle and experience in the version of story.”
“Record and share our journeys, so that it gets navigated to someone who needs.”

“Let’s exchange healthy and yummy recipes to enjoy eating in disease journey”
Support Group
“Time is tough but we have people to support us. Government, NGOs and many people are lending helping hand”

In absence of fact myth rushes, in absences of awareness ignorance rushes. So lets start building wall of knowledge to guard our health in voyage of treatment.
“We all are sailor of same sea, lets direct each other to cross it”

“We capture memories and share We see memories ,we get inspire”
“We know we often feel alone in crowd, but not anymore. Wetogether.care is always there with care of umbrella"

- Knock knock !, lets plan and pan events to rhythm our lives, check health and appraise fitness.
- We are patients of stubborn disease. We are allowed to scream, we are allowed to cry, and then we get up to fight back.
- Confusion is okay but it needs to be sorted soon and wetogether.care helps us to get through it with its polling feature.