Search Results "#NutritionForKidneyPatients"

"Pongal Special: Nutty Millet Pudding

1 cup millet (replace rice)
1/2 cup split yellow moong dal (lentils)
1 cup almond milk (replace coconut milk)
1 cup jaggery, grated
1/2 cup ghee
1/4 cup cashews, chopped
1/4 cup raisins
1/2 teaspoon cardamom powder
A pinch of salt

Wash millet and moong dal, and cook them together with almond milk until soft.
In a separate pan, melt ghee and roast cashews until golden. Add raisins and sauté until they plump up.
Add gra...  more
"Gujarat - Kidney-Friendly Undhiyu:

Mix of winter vegetables, spices, and fenugreek dumplings.

Leaching Process:
Soak winter vegetables in water for a few hours, changing the water periodically. This reduces potassium content.
Cook the leached vegetables with spices and add fenugreek dumplings.
Serve with kidney-friendly puris.

Undhiyu, with its leaching process, makes it suitable for CKD patients by managing potassium levels.
Advant...  more
"For individuals with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), including those with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease, the consumption of gluten is generally not restricted unless there is a specific medical reason to do so. Here are some general guidelines:

Gluten Intolerance or Celiac Disease:

If an individual with CKD also has gluten sensitivity or celiac disease, it is crucial to strictly adhere to a gluten-free diet. Gluten-containing foods can cause adverse reactions in individuals with these co...  more
"गाजर का हलवा - CKD रोगियों के लिए स्वास्थ्यपूर्ण रेसिपी: शिकनी, स्वादिष्ट, और गरमीभरा आनंद""

सामग्री: कद्दुकस किए गए गाजर, दूध, शुगर सब्स्टीट्यूट (CKD रोगियों के लिए), घी, इलायची और कटे हुए बादाम।

लीचिंग प्रक्रिया: कद्दूकस किए गए गाजरों को पानी में कुछ घंटे भिगोकर, पानी को बार-बार बदलते हुए भिगोकर रखें। यह CKD रोगियों के लिए पोटैशियम की मात्रा को कम करने में मदद करता है।

पकाना: लीचिंग हुई गाजरों को घी में पकाएं, दूध डालें, और धीमी आंच पर उबालें जब तक यह गाढ़ा नहीं होता। CKD रोगियों...  more
"Incorporating positive psychological aspects into the dietary journey of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) patients is essential for overall well-being.
Nutrition Empowers CKD Patients:
Understanding the impact of nutrition on CKD management grants patients control, fostering empowerment in health decisions."
#KidneyDiet #RenalDiet #HealthyKidneys #KidneyHealth #DietTips #KidneyFriendlyMeals #RenalNutrition #LowSodiumDiet #LowPotassiumDiet #LowPhosphorusDiet #KidneyCare #KidneyWellness #DietaryRe...  more