Does Chronic Kidney Disease Affect Your Sexual Health?

Yes, Chronic Kidney Disease affects sexual health. Good sexual health comprise wellbeing on a physical, mental, and emotional level. Kidney disease can distress the way you see yourself, as well as your relationships with others. The kidney regulates sex hormones in patients with CKD

For women, irregular menses during stages of advanced kidney disease. As consequences it may indicate slight and erratic bleeds, even heavy bleeds may occur. Uremic toxic may be produced in advanced kidney disease which can interfere with a woman’s ovulation. This can result in menstrual imbalance and impact a woman’s ability to get pregnant. Kidney disease may also affect women body, causing unusual odor, itchy skin, weight change, or even anemia.


Most women have witnessed that their fertility increases if they endure a kidney transplant, though doctors advices to wait for 12 months before trying to conceive. Baby conceived while a woman is on dialysis gets on risk of miscarriage, premature delivery, or below-average weight at birth.

Children and teenager suffering from CKD are also prone to risk of slow or stopover of their sexual development.

So it’s very important to speak out and express their mind.

Posted in Diseases linked with CKD on December 08 2021 at 01:01 PM
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