Diet Tips for Kidney Diseases this Diwali

Diet Tips for Kidney Diseases this Diwali

Don’t just celebrate from outside this Diwali, have a celebration for your Kidneys too. A kidney-friendly eating plan is a way of eating that helps protect your kidneys from more damage. It includes foods that are easy on your kidneys and limits other foods and fluids so certain minerals in those foods, like potassium, do not build up to high levels in your body. 

However, “What to eat” is a question that depends from person to person. During the course of this article, we will be talking about the general tips that are suggested for the better functioning of the kidneys. 

1. Water  

Water is the most important drink for the body. The cells use water to transport toxins into the bloodstream. The kidneys then use water to filter these toxins out and to create the urine that transports them out of the body. A person can support these functions by drinking whenever they feel thirsty.


2. Lower the Sodium Intake 

In the body, more sodium is outside the cells than inside, because the cell membranes are not freely permeable. Low levels of blood sodium can result in decreased kidney function, and larger losses of sodium can result in kidney failure. Kidney function depends on adequate blood volume and pressure. You can use “Aamchoor Chutney” to cope with the salty taste and still keep your Sodium intake low.


3. Dark leafy greens

Dark leafy greens, such as Spinach, Kale, and Chard, are dietary staples that contain a wide variety of Vitamins, Fiber, and Minerals. Many also contain protective compounds, such as antioxidants.


4. Watermelon

Watermelon is healthy because it’s full of lycopene – an antioxidant that helps break down harmful free-oxygen radicals. It prevents kidney injury and therefore, is a kidney-friendly food. Don’t just drink your water, you can eat it too!


5. Mushrooms 

Mushrooms are rich in Vitamin D and are essential to regulate kidney function and helping prevent kidney disease. You can simply stir-fry them they are good to eat.


6. Cranberries

They can treat the calcium oxalate kidney stone. Cranberries are natural antibiotic that doesn’t just help treat ulcers and bacteria in the kidneys but also prevent their formation.

7. Radish Leaf Juice 

A glass of radish leaves juice is good for renal failure. A cup of radish leaves juice must be taken twice a day. They are rich in Anti-Oxidants and they help in purify the blood. 

8. Tulsi (Basil Leaves) 

Tulsi detoxifies the body and has diuretic properties. It decreases the level of uric acid in the body, which is the main reason why kidney stones are formed. Reduction in uric acid levels also provides relief to patients suffering from Gout.


9. Apple Cider Vinegar

The citric acid in apple cider vinegar aids in dissolving kidney stones and helps pass them out easily. As alkaline blood and urine, apple cider vinegar promotes the production of hydrochloric acid that prevents the formation of kidney stones.


10. Non-Dairy Substitute 

Because of the high levels of potassium and phosphorus in milk, people with severe or total loss of kidney function (stages 4 and 5 chronic kidney disease) are generally advised to limit milk to 4 to 8 ounces a day.

 Non-dairy milk substitutes such as almond, rice, or soy milk are recommended instead. Nondairy creamers were once a popular milk substitute, but most, if not all, now contain potassium and phosphate additives and have fallen off the list of recommended milk replacements.

Disclaimer - The diet guidance given in the article is meant to be taken after consulting your Nephrologist or Dietitian. We DO NOT recommend taking only the discussed items

Posted in CKD care on October 23 2022 at 10:08 AM
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