As the name suggests, acquired immune deficiency syndrome is acquired or transmitted from one person to another. The target of HIV or the Human Immunodeficiency Virus is to target the immune system of the human body. 

Furthermore, attack the WBC which, results in weakening a person's ability to fight diseases. For example, a common cold may turn into pneumonia, a normal fever may turn into typhoid. And if a person is suffering from a life-threatening disease hand beforehand, his or her chances of dying simply increase exponentially. 

Relation of Aids and CKD

The risk of Kidney failure with AIDS is more. There are two types of kidney diseases Acute Kidney Disease and chronic kidney disease. 

Acute Kidney Disease under intensive care can be reversed, but when a person who is infected with HIV gets acute Kidney Disease, their chances of chronic kidney disease increase a lot. Whereas in chronic kidney disease, the fatality rate of an individual, even after a transplant, keeps on decreasing. 

There are certainly other factors that are responsible for the same as well, hypertension is more common among people living with HIV as compared to the general population.

 Which results in increased blood pressure and thereby puts excessive pressure on the Kidneys. Which, in turn, increases the risk of kidney disease or, at worst, kidney failure.


As far as we know, AIDS can be transmitted in three different ways. The first one is sexual intercourse and sexual contact act, followed by blood transmission. 

In the case of blood transmission, a person's blood infected with AIDS gets transferred to another healthy person and attaches to their immune system as well.

The third and last method is called prenatal transmitting, which means that the parents or one of the parents are inhabited by HIV. 

Symptoms of AIDS 

Since HIV attacks the WBC and weakens the immune system of the body, there can be several symptoms that may appear in an individual. They can range from the previous 40 loss of weight, solid notes, herpes yeast infection Etc. 

Treatment or cure for AIDS 

Sadly up to this date, there is no treatment for your available for the curing of AIDS, and as a result, it is a potentially life-threatening disease.

 Although it is advised to always take supplements that help you to strengthen your immune system because, of course, prevention is always better than cure.

 Furthermore, one should be aware of getting regular checkups about HIV as its incubation period is 10 to 12 years.
Posted in New Buzz on December 01 2022 at 10:30 AM
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