‘Yoga’, a therapy for kidney patients

Yoga is an art of awareness on the canvass of body, mind, and soul. It’s the best way to connect with yourself. Yoga is a beautiful combination of mind-body relaxation techniques. Regular yoga practice promotes patience, strength, calmness, flexibility, and well-being. Yoga helps in strengthening the immune system and relieves stress which is very beneficial for those who are battling a disease. Given below are a few yoga benefits for Kidney patients.

1: Yoga helps in controlling diabetes in (CKD) patients:
According to the guideline of RSSDI (Research Society for the Study of Diabetes in India) published in March 2018, it says:

Regular yoga facilitates in heightening metabolic control of blood sugar, blood pressure, and lipids. This ultimately condenses the chances of developing diabetic kidney disease which is common in 30% of all diabetics. 


2: Yoga control blood pressure in CKD patients:
Yoga is life-changing therapy for lifestyle diseases as it combines mind and body relaxation techniques. Control of hypertension is the foremost way of kidney failure treatment. It is observed that yoga controls 5-8 millimeters of blood pressure.


3: Yoga helps Kidney patients with heart disease:
Heart disease is common in kidney patients. yoga improves heart rate, blood pressure, and cholesterol, thereby reducing the incidence of heart disease in patients with chronic kidney disease.


4: Yoga’s effect on depression in CKD patients:
Numerous CKD patients and dialysis patients often go through depression and cannot tolerate anti-depression drugs. Yoga therapy, meditation, and pranayama help in taking care of depression in these patients.


5: Yoga prevents and slows down kidney diseases:
Yoga unites both physical and spiritual elements which restore the body and revitalize the mind. several poses in yoga poses can improve the overall health of the kidney and enhance kidney function. This helps in averting kidney problems and slowing the progression of kidney disease.


6: CKD and bone pain:
Due to metabolic and endocrine consequences of hormonal imbalance in CKD, patients suffer from aches and pains. As they cannot be given pain killers, yoga therapy helps in reducing their symptoms efficiently. So it is advised to perform light yoga for dialysis patients.


Posted in CKD care on June 04 2021 at 10:49 AM
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