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Barnyard Millet (Sanwa / Jhangora):
(30 g)
Calories: 99 kcal
Protein: 4.3 g
Fat: 0.6 g
Carbohydrates: 20.8 g
Fiber: 1.6 g
Sodium: 2 mg
Potassium: 60 mg
Phosphorus: 47 mg

These values provide a nutritional overview of various items. Keep in mind that actual nutrient content can vary based on specific cuts, cooking methods, and preparation styles. Adjustments should be made based on individual dietary needs and health conditions.

*For CKD patients, daily phosphorus intake is typically l...  more   shared a new video
Beat the Heat: Summer Nutrition Guide for CKD Patients
Part III

Protein Moderation: Balance protein intake with high-quality, low-protein sources to support kidney health.
Choose fish, lean meats, and tofu: Opt for protein sources such as fish, poultry, and plant-based options like tofu.
Monitor portion sizes: Control portion sizes to prevent excess protein intake.
Support Muscle Health: Maintain adequate protein intake to support muscle function and overall health.
Consult Healthcare Prov...  more
Myth & Fact: Dialysis
Myth: Dialysis eliminates the need for dietary restrictions.
Fact: While dialysis helps remove waste products and excess fluid from the blood, dietary restrictions remain crucial for managing electrolyte imbalances and preserving overall health in dialysis patients. Adhering to dietary guidelines helps prevent complications and ensures optimal outcomes for individuals undergoing dialysis treatment.
#KidneyHealth #CKDawareness #DialysisFacts #TransplantMyths #HealthEducat...  more
Diet Tips: Protein Management in CKD - Part III

Individualized Requirements Based on CKD Stage and Health.
Limited Protein Intake in Advanced CKD Stages.
Always consult your healthcare provider before consuming any food or beverage to ensure adherence to your specific dietary needs and restrictions.
#KidneyHealth #CKDawareness #DialysisFacts #TransplantMyths #HealthEducation #KidneyDiseaseAwareness #DialysisOptions #LivingDonation #HealthMyths #ScreeningSavesLives #NutritionTips #MedicalFact...  more
Summer Cooking Hacks - Kidney-Friendly Picnic Salads:
Whip up delicious and nutritious salads using low-potassium ingredients like lettuce and bell peppers. Add grilled chicken or tofu for protein, making it an ideal choice for individuals with CKD, dialysis, and kidney transplant recipients. These picnic salads offer a satisfying meal option that supports kidney health while enjoying outdoor gatherings.
#KidneyHealth #CKDawareness #DialysisFacts #TransplantMyths #HealthEducation #KidneyDiseas...  more
Disease Tips: Dialysis
Adhere to Dialysis Schedule: Attending all scheduled dialysis sessions is crucial for effectively managing kidney failure. By following the recommended treatment plan, including dialysis sessions, waste products and excess fluid can be efficiently removed from the body, promoting overall health.
#KidneyHealth #CKDawareness #DialysisFacts #TransplantMyths #HealthEducation #KidneyDiseaseAwareness #DialysisOptions #LivingDonation #HealthMyths #ScreeningSavesLives #Nutrition...  more
Beat the Heat: Summer Nutrition Guide for CKD Patients
Part II

Electrolyte Balance: Control potassium, phosphorus, and sodium intake for kidney health.
Opt for low-potassium fruits and vegetables: Choose fruits and vegetables lower in potassium to manage electrolyte balance.
Limit high-phosphorus foods: Reduce intake of high-phosphorus foods like dairy and processed items.
Reduce sodium intake: Cook at home using fresh ingredients to lower sodium consumption.
Maintain Blood Pressure: Manag...  more
Medical Milestone: World's First Pig Kidney Transplant Patient Discharged from US Hospital

In a groundbreaking medical achievement, a 62-year-old man has been discharged from Massachusetts General Hospital after receiving the world's first successful kidney transplant from a genetically modified pig. This milestone, heralded by scientists as a historic breakthrough, marks a potential revolution in organ transplantation, as reported by BBC.

The patient, Richard "Rick" Slayman of Weymouth, Massa...  more
Disease Tips: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
Monitor Blood Pressure Regularly: Keeping track of your blood pressure at home is essential for managing CKD. Aim for a target of 130/80 mmHg or lower to help preserve kidney function and reduce the risk of complications.
#KidneyHealth #CKDawareness #DialysisFacts #TransplantMyths #HealthEducation #KidneyDiseaseAwareness #DialysisOptions #LivingDonation #HealthMyths #ScreeningSavesLives #NutritionTips #MedicalFacts #KidneyCare #AwarenessCampaign #Heal...  more
"Carrot Nutrition: Raw vs. Leached πŸ₯•

Ever wondered about the nutritional difference between raw and leached carrots? πŸ€” Here's the scoop! 🌟

πŸ”Έ Raw Carrots: Packed with fiber and nutrients like vitamin A, raw carrots are a crunchy and satisfying snack option. However, they contain higher levels of potassium, which may be a concern for individuals with certain kidney conditions.

πŸ”Ή Leached Carrots: Leaching involves soaking vegetables in water to reduce their potassium content. While this process ...  more