Special kidneys need a special diet.

Fuel is necessary for the engine to work. But all fuels are not right for particular engines. An engine will last longer and work efficiently only when it is charged with fuel which is correct for its health. Food is fuel for the human body system. A proper healthy diet is a directory for a healthy body.

People with diseased kidneys must adhere to a kidney diet to cut down on the sum of waste in their blood. When kidneys are sick, they are not competent to filter and remove waste properly. If waste is left in the blood, it can negatively affect a patient’s electrolyte levels. so why load sick kidneys?

A kidney diet will contribute in taking care of sick kidneys. The kidney diet is low in sodium, potassium, and protein.
Too much sodium can be harmful to people with kidney disease because their kidneys cannot effectively eliminate excess sodium. So avoid adding salt to your food, check the sodium content on the food label before consuming, never binge on snacks with high sodium instead go with fruits and say no to processed food.

When kidney function is compromised, the kidneys not capable of removing excess phosphorus. High phosphorus levels can draw calcium out of your bones, making them weak. This also leads to hazardous calcium deposits in the blood vessels, lungs, eyes, and heart. So make edge in intake of phosphorous, limit ingestion of meat, milk, cheese, junk food and keep track of phosphorus intake.

Protein is consumed and waste products are created, which in turn are filtered by the nephrons of the kidney. Additional renal proteins turn waste into urine. In contrast, damaged kidneys fail to remove protein waste and it accumulates in the blood. So keep a check on ingestion of protein.

Posted in CKD care on May 24 2021 at 11:53 AM
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