Search Results "#NourishYourKidneys"

Move Your Body, Love Your Kidneys!
Exercise isn't just for a beach-ready body; it's a kidney-friendly activity too! Regular physical activity helps maintain a healthy weight and keeps your blood pressure in check. So, let's get moving and show our kidneys some love!
#NutritionValues #CKDDiet #WKD2024 (World Kidney Day 2024) #WorldKidneyDay #WTC (We Together Care) #KidneyHealth #CKDAwareness #HealthyEating #WellnessJourney #RenalHealth #Wetogethercare #BalancedDiet #KidneyDiseasePrevention #WT...  more
Eat the Rainbow for Kidney Joy!
A colorful diet isn't just visually appealing; it's fantastic for your kidneys too! Load up on fruits and veggies to provide essential nutrients without overloading on potassium. Your kidneys will appreciate the love!
#NutritionValues #CKDDiet #WKD2024 (World Kidney Day 2024) #WorldKidneyDay #WTC (We Together Care) #KidneyHealth #CKDAwareness #HealthyEating #WellnessJourney #RenalHealth #Wetogethercare #BalancedDiet #KidneyDiseasePrevention #WTCHealth #NourishY...  more
Check It, Don't Wreck It!
High blood pressure can silently damage your kidneys. Regularly check your blood pressure to ensure it's in a healthy range. If it's high, work on reducing stress, exercise regularly, and consider a diet rich in fruits, veggies, and whole grains. Your kidneys will thank you!
#NutritionValues #CKDDiet #WKD2024 (World Kidney Day 2024) #WorldKidneyDay #WTC (We Together Care) #KidneyHealth #CKDAwareness #HealthyEating #WellnessJourney #RenalHealth #Wetogethercare #Balanc...  more
Love Your Kidneys: Stay Hydrated! Did you know that staying hydrated is like giving your kidneys a spa day? Drinking enough water helps your kidneys flush out toxins and waste products. Aim for at least 8 cups a day to keep your kidneys happy and healthy!
#NutritionValues #CKDDiet #WKD2024 (World Kidney Day 2024) #WorldKidneyDay #WTC (We Together Care) #KidneyHealth #CKDAwareness #HealthyEating #WellnessJourney #RenalHealth #Wetogethercare #BalancedDiet #KidneyDiseasePrevention #WTCHealth #Nour...  more
Serving Size of Cashews: 25 grams

Energy: 145.67 kcal
Carbohydrate: 6.37 gm
Protein: 4.7 gm
Total Fats: 11.3 gm
Phosphorus: 125 mg
Potassium: 158.75 mg
Sodium: 2.25 mg

These values provide a nutritional overview of various non-vegetarian items. Keep in mind that actual nutrient content can vary based on specific cuts, cooking methods, and preparation styles. Adjustments should be made based on individual dietary needs and health conditions.

*For CKD patients, daily phosphorus intake is ...  more