Search Results "#CKD"

Respiratory Infections Alert for CKD Patients 🩺
Respiratory infections can be especially harmful to CKD patients. Here’s how you can safeguard your kidney health this monsoon:

Complications on CKD:

Reduced Oxygen Levels: Infections can lower oxygen levels in the blood.
Strains the Heart: Increased strain on the heart can affect overall health.
Overall Weakens Health: These infections can weaken your general well-being.
Worsens Kidney Function: Added stress can exacerbate kidney issues.
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Browntop Millet (Korle):Calories: 101 kcal
Protein: 3.6 g
Fat: 1.3 g
Carbohydrates: 19.9 g
Fiber: 1.8 g
Sodium: 1 mg
Potassium: 48 mg
Phosphorus: 57 mg
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CKD Stage IV (Severe):

Role of Diet: Minimize complications, manage symptoms, and prepare for potential kidney replacement therapy.
Key Considerations:
Significantly restrict protein intake to reduce waste products.
Strictly manage phosphorus, potassium, and sodium intake.
Collaborate closely with healthcare providers to plan for possible dialysis or transplant.
#ckd #kidneyhealth #kidneycare #kidneydiet
CKD Stage III (Moderate):

Role of Diet: Focus on further reducing stress on the kidneys and managing complications.
Key Considerations:
Moderate protein intake to avoid protein buildup in the blood.
Monitor and restrict phosphorus and potassium intake.
Consider vitamin and mineral supplements under the guidance of healthcare professionals.
#ckd #kidneyhealth #kidneycare #kidneydiet